Membership Committee

Committee Members:
Leigh Ann Campbell, Katie Dillon Low, Patrick Coue, Tami Sortman, Robert Sher, Philip Rakita

Please contact us at membership at to participate in this committee, or if you have any questions about what we do!

The WSWCA Membership Committee seeks opportunities to raise the visibility of the Civic Association. The volunteers of the Membership Committee work hard to make Wash West a more engaged and relevant source of information for our diverse neighborhood audience.  We seek to:

  • Raise Visibility: Through the social channels of Facebook and Instagram, we share local and city wide information to our constituents. We create weekly ePosts that share Civic meeting information and other community resources that are economically accessible. Beginning in the Spring, we will host monthly engagement activities including Plant Exchanges, Meet the Board social events, as well as support other community led activities such as caroling during the winter holidays.
  • Build Collaborations: We engage institutions, businesses and neighborhood associations and seek to share the many benefits that Wash Square West Civic Association brings to our community.
  • Increase Membership: Our efforts to raise visibility and grow our collaborations are aimed to build membership which is the primary source of funding for all neighborhood activities including bi-monthly sidewalk sweeping, annual clean ups, and spearheading neighborhood beautification initiatives.

Your support is invaluable to our membership efforts! Please e-mail us at membership at or call the Civic Association office to volunteer, make a contribution or request more information about the activities and services of the Membership Committee.

Fun Fact:

Wash Square West Civic Association is the oldest Registered Community Organization (RCO) in the nation. We were founded in 1935.

Remember to Renew Your Membership