Complete Streets
The Complete Streets Committee of the Washington Square West Civic Association (WSWCA) is dedicated to improving the safety, accessibility, and functionality of streets within our neighborhood. The Committee advocates for and works on street-related issues, with a core focus on the principles of Vision Zero to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries. The Committee promotes the design of streets that are safe for all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, and motorists. The Committee also promotes compliance with ADA standards and encourages equitable, multi-modal transportation options.
The objectives of the committee are the following:
- Have 0 high injury network streets in WSW (80% of traffic injuries happen on 12% of streets. WSW has several streets that meet this definition)
- Ensure intersections are daylight consistent with state law
- Improve pedestrian safety near all schools (McCall), parks (Seger and Kahn), and hospitals (Penn and Jeff)
- Ensure sidewalk closures comply with permitting requirements
- Create a contiguous high quality biking infrastructure, including physically separated lanes

Fun Fact:
The name “Washington Square West” came into official use in the late 1950s and early 1960s as part of Edmund Bacon‘s comprehensive plan for Center City.