The Washington Square West Civic Association Annual Fall Clean Up Day is on Saturday, December 5th from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Supplies, brooms, rakes, and trash bags will be provided.
The supplies can be picked up at Seger Park Recreation Center located between 10th and 11th on Lombard Street and at Kahn Park at 11th and Pine Streets on the Clean Up Day.
“No Parking” signs will be posted between 7th and Broad Streets and from Locust to Rodman Streets. You must move your car to the opposite side of the street in the designated area on Saturday, December 5 from 8 am to 1 pm or it will be towed. Return your car to the allowed parking side of the street after 1 pm.
Here is a map with some helpful details:

Thank you in advance for your participation in beautifying your neighborhood and I wish you a happy, healthy holiday season.