As an organization committed to making Washington Square West a wonderful place to live and work, our mission includes making our local school a tremendous place for our children to have safe, meaningful, enjoyable, and impactful experiences at school. To that end, at our February 2015 meeting, the WSWCA board elected to allocate $1500 of our budget to efforts, programs, & initiatives to support McCall Elementary School. We are also committed to finding ways to get our membership more involved in supporting our school. Let’s show our teachers, students, and parents that WSWCA members care about education in our neighborhood, and pitch in to make our local elementary school the most wonderful place possible!
Here are easy & meaningful ways to get involved & support McCall:
Donate items
McCall staff have carefully curated a list of items they need, which can conveniently be found on their Amazon wish list:
Donate funds
If you would prefer to make a monetary donation, checks can be sent to the Home School Association, at:
McCall Elementary School
Attn: McCall Home & School Association
325 South 7th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Or an online PayPal donation can be made at:
McCall is seeking folks who can come to help during class time with reading, writing, & math. Your time and support as an in-class volunteer is an incredible resource, and makes a tremendous difference if you are able to come in during school hours. If you are interested in providing this vital volunteer service, please contact the McCall school nurse, who handles coordination of volunteers. She can be emailed directly at
If you make a donation, or volunteer your time, please let WSWCA board member Justine Haemmerli know, at; your name & information will not be shared, but will be added to a list of WSWCA members supporting McCall as part of our tracking the impact of this program.