Zoning Agenda

Zoning Agenda

Meeting is scheduled for 7pm, Tuesday, January 26 at 1020 Locust Street, Jefferson Alumni Hall, Room 207. 1107 Walnut, CMX-5: Application for a take-out restaurant with seating in ground floor of existing 2 story building. Referral required for...

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Parker Spruce Presentation

Parker Spruce Presentation

The owner of the Parker Spruce will present to the community his plans for the rehab of the building at the October 13th WSWCA monthly board meeting. Councilman Squilla will be joining us for this presentation. As the Parker Spruce has been at...

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WSWCA Election Policy 2015

WSWCA Election Policy 2015

The Annual Membership Meeting and Board of Directors Election for the Washington Square West Civic Association will be held Tuesday November 10, 2015 at 7:00 at 233 South 10 St, Bluemle Building Room 105/107.  The election will be for 6 seats on...

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