ePost June 28, 2022

ePost June 28, 2022

Weekly ePost – 28 June 2022


28 June 2022

WSWCA’s weekly electronic newsletter

Zoning Meeting TONIGHT at 7 pm

Every 4th Tuesday of the month, the Wash Sq West Civic hosts zoning meetings to discuss projects happening in our community. 

Agenda below.

Zoom link will be sent out next week and can always be found on our Calendar.




Thanks to our members, donors, and the work of the Preservation Committee, the WSWCA is proud to announce we have met our fundraising goal of $13,500 towards the re-writing and re-submission of the Washington Square West Historic District! It was truly a joint effort, and the WSWCA looks forward to sharing more good news about the progress of this endeavor soon!

WSW Historic Preservation

Trash Delayed this week

Due to the Juneteenth holiday, trash pick up in the neighborhood is delayed by a day. Help keep the neighborhood clean and do not put your trash out early. Remind your neighbors too.

Kahn Park summer concert series

This Wednesday 6/23, join the Friends of Kahn Park and your neighbors for the first FREE Summer Concert of the season. 

Other dates: July13, August 17 and September 11.

Reimagine the Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Do you visit the BF Parkeway often… or maybe not at all? Philadelphia Parks & Recreation’s Master Planning team wants to hear from you.,

Go take the first Community Survey here and share your thoughts on how to make it better! Find out more about the effort here. 

Find the Survey Link here. Survey closes on 8/15

Seger Park’s Woofstock

Happening every Tuesday through September from 5:30-7:30 PM. Join the Friends of Seger Dog Park for live music. Bring your dog and enjoy beers & bevies in the dog park. Or bring a picnic blanket and enjoy a family outing in the non-dog park side of the park. Ice cream and beer vendors will be on site. 

McCall Home & School Association is hosting a meet & greet on June 28 at 5 pm. Bring the kiddos and start making friends to ease the first day of school butterflies.

Property Tax Assessments

2023 reassessed property values are now online. Please review your new assessment and available abatement and exemption programs that may reduce your property’s real estate tax bill.


Independence Library Events

Have you visited our neighborhood Free Library of Philadelphia? Independence Library is located on 7th between Chestnut and Market and has a variety of events to engage readers of all levels. Find out what events are happening.

Have you tried the Philly 311 app?

It’s so easy to report graffiti, overflowing trash cans, potholes and more using the City’s free 311 app. No need to sit on the phone waiting. Snap a pic, add a note and upload with address. Visit the App Store and Google Play to download the app. The City has stepped up their response times and it’s a game changer! Help keep our community clean by reporting issues.


Tired of solicitations on your door? 

Sign up for a “Circular-Free Property” decal. Violation for leaving flyers at properties with the decal carries $100 penalty. 

Fill out the form and mail or email in.

Ready to learn something new?

The Free Library of Philadelphia has you covered! With your library card you get free access to LinkedIn Learning (formerly Learn business, creative, and technology skills to achieve your personal and professional goals. Grab your library card and Click here to get started.


Want a free street tree?

The Wash West Tree Tenders want to help you add to our neighborhood tree canopy. We work with PHS to plant bare-root trees bi-annually and we are planning for the next planting now. 

Click here to read more and apply for your street tree!

Free at-home COVID-19 tests

The United States Postal Service is offering each household 4 free individual home COVID-19 tests. Visit their website to order yours.


Thinking of growing food?

Are you interested in gardening but are still on the waitlist for the community gardens? Check out this PHS food growing workshop that focuses on container gardening! You don’t need a yard to grow your own food and herbs.

Apply to a WSW Community Garden here!


Free at-home COVID-19 tests

The United States Postal Service is offering each household free individual home COVID-19 tests. You can request 2 sets of 4 tests. Visit their website to order yours. Delivery takes 2-3 days.

Happy Summer Solstice! Celebrate the change of seasons.

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Washington Square West Civic Association

214 S. 11th St,

Philadelphia, PA 19107

(215) 346-6411 (voicemail only)

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