As an organization committed to making Washington Square West a wonderful place to live and work, our mission includes making our local school a tremendous place for our children to have safe, meaningful, enjoyable, and impactful experiences at...
More infoWSWCA Board Statement
The Board would like to express deep appreciation to Karen Adams and Rick Spitzborg, who provided committed service to the Civic Association and Wash West prior to their deciding to not seek reelection to the Board. The Board also wishes to...
More info2014 Board Election FAQs & Candidates’ Statements
Next Tuesday, November 11th, WSWCA members in good standing and present at the board meeting will have the privilege of voting to elect five people to the board of directors (each membership is entitled to one vote). The meeting will take place...
More infoWSWCA Wash West Wednesday at Garces Trading Company!
WSWCA Wash West Wednesday Wednesday, October 1, 5-7 pm Garces Trading Company, 1111 Locust Street Visit our calendar for more information.
More infoNID Proposal Withdrawn
The volunteer members of the WashWestNID Steering Committee want what everyone that lives here wants…for Wash West to be the best community in the city of Philadelphia. The dual purpose of initiating a community conversation about a...
More infoApril Minutes are Online
Please visit our minutes page to view the most recent minutes of the WSWCA Board Meeting.
More infoWash West Property Owners and 2014 Tax Payments
Please read below if you are one of our residents eligible for LOOP or you have an appeal pending and have concerns over what amount to pay in real estate taxes this year. The Crosstown Coalition of Civics of which WSWCA is an active member has...
More info